The Chef Chases his Cowboy Dream (Silverstone Ranch Book 3) Page 6
“I know you came here for Lily.”
She didn’t look upset. Her matter-of-fact statement only added to his confusion.
“You know…”
Mia nodded. “Maybe it’s because I can read you so well, but I could definitely tell there’s something there. You have feelings for her, don’t you?”
“I—I don’t know.” He licked his lips and placed his hands on her hips as they continued their slow dance. “I mean, okay, yes. I think I do. But maybe what I’m feeling has more to do with being a protective friend.”
Mia snorted, followed by a loud laugh. Her eyes watered as she met his gaze. “You’re not serious, are you? Wesley, last night you were so agitated. I lost count of the times I caught you scowling at your brother.”
Heat crept up his neck. She’d noticed. Of course she noticed. She was a good friend and a former girlfriend. It would have been worrisome if she hadn’t noticed. Which begged the question, had Lily noticed too? “I’m sorry.”
She waved her hand through the air. “Don’t be. Remember, I don’t feel the same way I used to either. I guess I was pretty excited to see you again. And part of me wondered what it would be like to pick up where we left off… but we’ve changed. Both of us.” She sighed and moved closer. Resting her head against his chest, she tightened her arms around him. “It was nice just to see, though.”
Wesley dropped his chin on her head. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”
Chapter Eleven
“You have to loosen up,” Christian laughed at Lily as he slipped his arm around her waist and held her other hand. They danced around the room past couples doing the awkward two-step.
No matter how hard she argued with her brain, she couldn’t get her body to relax. The confrontation with Wesley had done a number on her. Now she just wanted to go home. Staying meant she’d have to watch Wesley and Mia make goo-goo eyes at each other.
“Are you mad?” Christian slowed to a stop.
Shoot. She’d lost control of her expression. Was she glaring at him?
He lifted her face to get a better look. “Are you crying?” His features tightened into a look of concern. “What’s wrong? Did someone say something to you?” Christian looked around the room. “Tell me who and I’ll knock their teeth out.”
Lily brushed at her damp cheeks. At least they were in the darker part of the room. Hopefully, he was the only one who noticed her distress. She touched his forearm and shook her head. “I’m fine, Christian. No one hurt me.” At least not intentionally. Her pain was her own fault.
His concerned gaze landed on her once more. “What’s wrong?”
She let out a watery laugh. “Sometimes you just have an off day. Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep last night.”
Christian gave her a soft smile. “I hope it was worth it.” He cupped her cheek and brushed a stray tear with his thumb. “It’s funny, all those years you spent time with my brother, and it wasn’t until now that I realized how great you are.”
She chuckled as she pulled away. His closeness was suffocating and awkward. It didn’t feel right to be touched by him. “You only spent one evening with me. You can’t have made that kind of decision so fast.”
“You underestimate my ability to figure people out.” He picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. “You’re an amazing person, Lily. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
Anyone? Was he referring to himself or someone else? If he was so good at reading people, could he tell she had feelings for someone else? Someone like his brother? She swallowed hard.
“How about we go for a walk to get some fresh air?” Christian nodded to the door. “I think it would do us both some good.”
“Actually, I’d prefer just to go home.”
Christian nodded. “Okay.”
Lily looked around the room. She’d carpooled with Azalea and Aster, both of whom were engrossed with friends of their own. She might not be able to get home as early as she’d hoped after all. Lily sighed. “Maybe a walk would be okay. I don’t think my sisters are ready to go home yet.”
Christian’s features pinched. He glanced over his shoulder to the crowd of people. “If you want to go home, I can take you.”
“Really?” There was one spot on the dance floor where she’d refused to look. The one where Wesley and Mia were dancing. The longer she stayed, the more likely she’d bump into the two of them. She wasn’t quite ready for that.
Christian flashed her a smile. “Of course. I love coming to the rescue of beautiful women.”
Lily rolled her eyes. “You know, you don’t have to act that way with me.”
“What way?” He winked.
“That way. I’m not some conquest. I know all your tricks. I saw you picking up girls through most of my teens and from the gossip I hear that hasn’t changed.” She laughed despite herself.
“You’re saying it doesn’t work on you?”
Lily laughed louder this time. “I didn’t say that. But I’d prefer you were real with me instead of this façade. You do realize girls fawn over you with or without all that oozing charm.”
Christian made a face as they made their way toward his truck. “Oozing. That doesn’t sound romantic at all. I’d rather call it old-fashioned respect.”
“Okay. Tell me honestly. Do you plan on keeping it up for the rest of your life? Even after you’re married?”
“Of course.”
She gave him a pointed look. “Everything?”
He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I mean, I’d like to think I would.”
Lily shrugged. “Then keep doing it. But if you think at some point it will grow old, I’d recommend easing up a bit. A girl will fall in love with you because of who you are, not the over-the-top compliments and gifts you shower on them.”
Christian gave her a thoughtful look. “I suppose you’re right. Does this mean you don’t have growing feelings for me?”
Lily’s snort sucked in a little spit and she coughed. Breaths came in spurts as Christian gave her an amused stare.
“You okay? I’m trying not be offended at the level of disbelief you seem to be presenting me.”
Lily held a hand over her chest and shook her head. “That was the most ridiculous question I have ever heard. Christian, you’re great. I like you, and you’re one of the sweetest guys on the surface. But I would never know whether or not I had feelings for you without getting to know the real you. All of this,” she waved her hand, gesturing to him, “is hiding what’s deep in there.” She poked him in the chest, right above his heart. “We went on one date. No one should know whether they have feelings for someone after that.”
“I knew you were smart.” Christian smirked and opened the truck door for her. “My brother was a fool for not seeing it sooner.”
He shut the door before she had a chance to retort. His brother. Wesley? Had they talked about her? The blood drained from her face. Why did the awkward situations always seem to find her? She placed her face in her hands and shook her head. Of course they talked. If Wesley had come to ask her out, then why wouldn’t Christian know about it?
He opened his door and slid inside. She turned to face him, taking a deep breath for courage. “I don’t know what he’s told you, but there is nothing going on between us. He’s with Mia. We’re friends. That’s it.”
Christian scrutinized her. His dark blue eyes bored into her, making her feel naked under his gaze. “Lily, it’s none of my business what’s going on between you and my brother. My statement was one of surprise. I thought the two of you would have ended up together a long time before now.”
“You did?”
He laughed and put the key into the ignition. Christian stared forward, his hands on the wheel. “My brother is smart in the kitchen but dumb in love. Take it from someone who knows. You never realize what you had until it’s gone.”
She smirked at him.
“Yeah, it’s cliché. But it’s true. If there’s someone in your lif
e who can make your pulse race, someone who can make you laugh, someone who could break your heart but keeps it safe instead, and someone who makes you feel secure at the same time… that’s the person you’re meant to be with.”
Her heart lurched. He sounded so sad. “Did you have that?”
Christian frowned. “I thought I did once. But I was wrong. I don’t think anyone finds it. I think it grows.” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “I think people find one of those qualities and the others follow. The question is, have you found it?”
Lily stared at her hands in her lap. There had to be more people she could think about who could be labeled like that. Her family made her laugh and provided safety. Mia had always been there for her. Wesley. He made her laugh. He made her feel safe. He could make her heart hammer with just one look. Could he break her heart too?
She tugged on a strand of hair and curled it around her finger. “I don’t know,” she mumbled.
“Lies,” he whispered.
Her gaze bounced up to meet his. He smiled at her.
“I think you have. You’re just scared.”
Her mouth popped open and she shook her head.
Christian held up his hand. “Doesn’t matter. I make no judgments. When you’re ready, you’re ready. People have their reasons. But I’ll tell you this… if you had feelings for me, I wouldn’t let anything stand in my way to win you over. You ready to go home?”
She nodded. “Thanks, Christian.”
Chapter Twelve
Wesley charged out of the barn. Christian had gone this way with Lily. He was probably making her one of his many conquests. She deserved better. He and his brother had an understanding. He was not supposed to hurt Lily. Treating her this way and dropping her like every other girl would do just that.
Fury bubbled just under the surface. They couldn’t have gone far. Wesley strode out in the middle of the clearing. Headlights flashed as a large truck drove down the dirt road toward the highway.
Wesley squinted. He couldn’t be one hundred percent certain it was them. However, if he were a betting man, he’d wager Christian had just left with Lily. He yanked out his phone and dialed his brother’s number.
The rings reverberated in his skull as each one went unanswered. Wesley cursed and shoved the phone in his pocket. He’d had enough. The second Christian was back, Wesley would be giving him a piece of his mind.
Pacing near the other vehicles, Wesley shoved any unwanted thoughts from his mind. Christian had her alone. He could do whatever he wanted and Wesley wasn’t around to block him. The thought made him sick inside. Lily and Christian were adults. Christian was a gentleman. But he didn’t seem to have problems toying with girls’ hearts.
Wesley growled and threw his hat on the ground. So much for taking a break. He’d gone from one worry to another. Tires crunched on gravel as the truck ambled up the road. Wesley pulled out his phone. Forty minutes. It only took thirty minutes to get to Lily’s place and back. He ground his teeth together. A lot could happen in ten minutes.
The truck came to a stop and Christian hopped out. He gave Wesley one look, then rolled his eyes as he shut the door. “What do you want, Wesley?”
He held his hands clenched tightly at his sides. “Where did you go, Christian?”
Christian folded his arms and leaned against the truck. “I don’t think that’s the right question.”
Wesley worked his jaw and focused on maintaining even breathing. “I know what you like to do with women, Christian. Just because you don’t take advantage of them physically doesn’t mean you don’t have your way with their emotions. Don’t forget how many phone calls I answered from girls you left broken-hearted.”
Christian used his index finger to adjust the brim of his hat. He crossed his ankles and smirked. “People change, Wesley. You know that.”
Wesley took one step forward. “I don’t believe for one second you’ve changed, brother. I witnessed firsthand how you laid on your charms. You’re stringing her along and it needs to stop.”
For the first time, Christian glared at him. “Have you considered that maybe I’m ready to find someone and start a life? Who’s to say that couldn’t be Lily? She’s smart, beautiful, funny—”
“I know what she is, Christian. Don’t you think she deserves better?”
“Like who? You?” Christian spat. “You wasted years when you could have had her long before now. What kind of man sees something he wants and lets it slip through his fingers? I’ll tell you who. A coward.”
Red filled his vision and Wesley lunged at his brother. He took a swing but Christian ducked and stepped out of the way. Wesley bumped up against the truck with a thud. He spun around to face his brother, who had that irritating smirk on his face again.
“You need to leave her alone, Christian. Or so help me—”
“You’ll what? Wait me to death?” Christian let out a condescending laugh. “You snooze you lose, bud.”
Wesley tackled his brother to the ground. His brother’s hat fell as Wesley’s fist rose. “She deserves better than you. You can’t see her anymore.”
It only took a moment. Christian’s leg swung up and toppled Wesley from his dominant position. Christian put Wesley in a headlock. “You are not her keeper, Wesley. She gets to pick who she spends time with. If I invite her out and she says yes, you can’t stop her.”
Wesley’s fingers clawed at his brother’s arm. He was out of practice, or his brother was still too big. “I won’t let you hurt her.”
“Just admit it, Wes. You love her!”
His throat closed up. He cared about her. He would rather cut off his hand before he saw her in pain. Wesley gasped. “I love her, alright?”
Christian gave his head a jerk before releasing him and getting to his feet. He brushed off the dirt from his shirt and his pants. “I knew it.”
Wesley got into a sitting position and lifted his knee to rest his arm on it. “What?”
“You have had the hots for that one since you two were just out of diapers.”
Wesley glowered at him.
Christian stooped to pick up his hat. “The big question is why you agreed to set me up in the first place.”
Wesley opened his mouth but Christian cut him off with his hand.
“You and Mia. Yeah. Right. Whatever game you’re playing is going to end badly. You put on this big show and demand I don’t hurt Lily when you’re going to hurt Mia.”
Closing his mouth, Wesley’s thoughts drifted to what Mia had said. She was pining over someone else. She never admitted who it was. Now that the cat was out of the bag, would she continue to pretend to be in a relationship with him? That could hurt his chances with Lily if she saw it. But if Mia hadn’t told Lily about it, then there had to be a reason. Did it have something to do with being embarrassed? He’d have to ask her about it later.
Christian whacked his hat against his leg, releasing the dust clinging to it. “Regardless. You don’t live here, Wes. Lily doesn’t seem the type to move across the country for a cook.”
“I’m a Michelin star chef, Christian.”
He lifted a shoulder. “Either way, you’re not going to be here long. She’s cute, local, and I enjoy her company. I’m not stepping down. How ‘bout we let her decide.”
Wesley shot to his feet. “What are you saying, Christian?”
“I’m saying she’s a big girl. She can choose who she wants to be with.”
Heat rushed to Wesley’s face but before he could argue, Christian marched toward the barn. He never thought he’d see the day when they’d go after the same girl. No matter how much he hated it, Christian was right. Wesley had wasted his time when he was younger. Now, he risked losing her before he’d even had a chance of winning her over.
He stared at the barn. He didn’t feel like socializing anymore. The fun had been sucked from the evening. He didn’t even get a chance to dance with the one girl he’d looked forward to spending time with. What an awful
Wesley located his hat, swiped it, and put it on his head. The game was on. He’d win her over and make her see everything he could offer her. Christian might be charming as all get-out, but he hadn’t changed. He was still the shallow guy who was scared of commitment. The minute he was backed into a corner, he’d show his true colors.
Wesley climbed the steps to his house and entered the dark building. The quiet surrounded him, filling him with a kind of serenity he had when the restaurant closed for the night. He hung his hat on a hook and wandered into the kitchen.
His fingers slid up the wall until he flipped on the light switch. He could use some food therapy. A smile touched his lips as he pulled his mother’s apron over his head and opened the fridge. Eggs, milk, butter…
Chapter Thirteen
Lily stared at her ceiling as she lay on her bed. Her stomach gurgled under her clasped hands. She should have gotten something to eat at the party. More than that, she probably should have stayed long enough to tell Wesley goodbye. Everything had happened so fast. She was a coward.
The conversation she’d had with Christian bounced around in her head, stirring up all kinds of confusing feelings. If she took everything he said to heart, she’d be confessing to Wesley how she felt and hurting Mia in the process. The way Mia continued to hang on Wesley said enough to force Lily to stay far away. If the roles had been swapped, Mia wouldn’t interfere with her relationship.
Noises erupted from her midsection again. Lily groaned. When she’d gotten home, Marguerite was in the kitchen with Cade. Dealing with hunger was better than getting the third degree from them. When were they going to build their own place? Sure, Marguerite ran the rodeo part of the family business, and Cade was gone frequently for movie gigs, but didn’t they want privacy? Living with their father and three sisters couldn’t be good for their love life.
Lily sat up, stretched, and let out a little laugh. Not that she had any grounds to judge their love life. She couldn’t handle her own. Between fawning over the guy she couldn’t have and getting relationship advice from the guy’s brother, she’d been torn in all kinds of directions.